Friday, 19 September 2008

poorly terra-ble :-(

terra wasnt quite right this morning, ate a little bit, then started vomiting, her sides blew up and she was pacing and crying, very unlike her, so i took her straight to the vet after my experience with harveys torsion last year.

vets have agreed its possible, she has done several burps ( in terras style!) and her sides have gone down alot, but she was stil hard to touch, and so far no more being sick, they are keeping her in for a few hours, and will look at x-raying in a little while if there is no more improvement

so fingers crossed for my big girlie! she may be stoopid, but she is lovely! :wub:

Update: they have managed to pass a tube and release gas, she is much more comfortable now, i will find out after lunch if they are wanting to x-ray her still, i have been cheeky and asked if they can x ray her hips while she is under. so far all is lookin good for her though! the lady i rang said she is resting with nurses checking her as they are enjoying the cuddles!

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